Фразовые глаголы с глаголом Run

Глагол to run [rʌn] используют в английском с целью описать процесс, когда кто-то двигается или бежит. По русски глагол to run может означать:
бежать, гнать, убегать, идти.

Этот глагол неправильный, поэтому формы для Past Simple и Participle II образуются не по тем правилам, как образуются у большинства других английских глаголов. В нашем случае для Past Simple нужно использовать форму ran, для Participle II - run.
Фразовых глаголов которые образуются от "run" очень много. Часто их смысл может отличаться от исходного. Вот почему в предложениях нужно обращать особое внимание на контекст для лучшего понимания.

Ниже смотрите фразовые глаголы, образованные от "to run" с переводом и с примерами.
Run across

Meet or find accidentally
Встретить или найти случайно

I RAN ACROSS an old friend in the library.
Run after

1. Chase, pursue
Гнаться, преследовать

The police RAN AFTER the guy who`d stolen it, but he was too fast for them.

2. Try to become romantically involved with someone
Попробовать завязать с кем-нибудь романтические отношения

He was RUNNING AFTER her for ages never managed to get a date.
Run against

Oppose, make difficulties
Противостоять, создавать трудности

Opinion is RUNNING AGAINST his policies and he has very little support.
Run along

Go away, leave (often as an imperative)
Уходить, уйти

They kept disturbing him, so he told them to RUN ALONG and leave him in peace.
Run around

Be very busy doing many things
Быть очень занятым, делая много вещей

I am exhausted - I have been RUNNING AROUND all day.
Run away

1. Escape from people chasing you
Убегать от преследующих вас людей

He RAN AWAY from his attackers.

2. Leave home because of problems with other family members or to elope
Уйти из дома из-за проблем с другими членами семьи или сбежать

She RAN AWAY to avoid a forced marriage.
Run down

1. Hit a pedestrian with a vehicle
Наехать на пешехода транспортным средством

The minicab RAN him DOWN on the zebra crossing.

2. Lose energy or power
Терять энергию или власть

You should only recharge the battery when it has fully RUN DOWN.

3. Criticise, disparage
Критиковать, унижать

They are always RUNNING me DOWN and I am sick and tired of it.

4. Find the source or origin of something
Найти источник или происхождение чего-либо

The police RAN DOWN all the leads they had and caught them.
Run for

Campaign for a position
Агитировать за позицию

She is thinking about RUNNING FOR the presidency.
Run in

1. Arrest, take to police station for questioning
Арестовать, доставить в отделение полиции на допрос

They RAN him IN last night.

2. Drive a new car carefully in order not to damage the engine
Управлять новой машиной осторожно, чтобы не повредить двигатель

She RAN the car IN for a thousand miles.

3. Pay a casual visit
Нанести случайный визит

We RAN IN and chatted for an hour.

4. Insert

He RAN a graph IN next to the text.
Run off

Make photocopies
Сделать ксерокопии

Could you RUN OFF two hundred copies of this report, please.
Run on

Be powered by
Быть на связи

The van RUNS ON diesel.
Run out of

Have none left
Ничего/Никого не осталось

We have RUN OUT OF sugar; I am going to the shops for some.
Run over

1. Explain quickly
Объяснить быстро

Could you RUN OVER that point again; I am afraid I did not quite understand it.

2. Hit with a vehicle
Ударить транспортным средством

The driver could not stop in time and RAN the fox OVER when it ran in front of his car.

3. Exceed a time limit
Превысить лимита времени

The meeting RAN OVER by twenty minutes.
Run through

1. Practise a dramatic work like a play quickly
Быстро отрабатывать драматическое произведение как пьесу

The cast RAN THROUGH the play the day before it opened to the public.

2. Stab or wound deeply with a knife, sword, etc.
Нанести удар ножом, мечом и т. д. глубоко ранив

The musketeer RAN his enemy THROUGH with a sword and killed him.
Run to

1. Go to someone for help
Обратиться к кому-нибудь за помощью

Whenever he gets into debt, he RUNS TO his parents for help.

2. Include in things you like
Включаться в то, что вам нравится

His musical tastes RUN TO the Residents, who are hated by most people.

3. Have enough money to buy something, often negative
Иметь достаточно денег на покупку чего-то, часто негативного

Things are a bit tight and will not RUN TO going abroad for a holiday.
Run up

1. Move quickly to where someone is
Быстро двигаться туда, где кто-то находится

He RAN UP next to me and started shouting.

2. Hoist, raise a flag
Поднять флаг

They RAN UP the Union Jack.

3. Do or make something very quickly
Делать что-нибудь очень быстро

He RAN UP a few examples for them to look at.

4. Spend a lot of money on credit
Потратить много денег в кредит

He RAN UP a lot of bills at the hotel.
Run up against

Encounter problems, often unexpected
Встречаться с проблемами, часто неожиданным

They RAN UP AGAINST a lot of opposition to the construction.
Run up on

Approach someone without their knowing
Подойти к кому-нибудь без их ведома

Robert was sitting in his car and a guy RAN UP ON him and shot through the car but missed.
Run with

Keep company, normally bad
Составить компанию, как правило, плохо

She RUNS WITH some dodgy characters.

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